By Binky

I turned 14 in October. I know, I look amazing for my age. No need to go on and on about it. As I tell most of the cats who come to The Drake Center, “Don’t hate me because I’m so beautiful.”

I really do feel almost as good as I look. My daily health and fitness routine includes my servants loving me and enriching my environment with toys and spiders they find for me to hunt. They also brush my teeth daily and comb my luxurious hair coat. I eat a combination of canned and dry food and regularly enjoy the soothing aroma of feline pheromones in our cat-only exam room. I walk the premises of The Drake Center for precisely 43 minutes every morning and allow the staff to hug me and pet me and provide me with entertainment.

Because I live at The Drake Center, I probably get more exams than the average kitty. However, I do allow for a few exams a year because it helps keep me at my prime. Last year, the doctors found a low blood count in a routine exam. Due to the gradual onset of the illness, I was still acting pretty normal. Turns out, I was actually sick and didn’t know it!

The doctors at The Drake Center recommend that older cats (and dogs!) like me get checked out at least twice a year. Regular conversations, thorough exams and lab work can help us age with grace and good health.

Learn more about caring for senior pets here.