At The Drake Center, it’s no surprise our families are a bit…furry. From dogs and cats to horses, chickens and an emu, we’d like you to meet the loves of our lives—our pets. 

Proud pet parent: Melissa, veterinary care provider

Blue, Labrador retriever

  • Sally Jo, Rottweiler/golden retriever mix
  • Cheyenne, American pit bull
  • Tosh, Maine coon
  • Dottie, DSH
  • Misty, Appaloosa (horse)
  • Lizzy Lu, quarter horse
  • Coal, quarter horse/thoroughbred cross
  • Vinny, red-eared slider
  • Multiple chickens: Ginger, Penny, Dela, Su, Roo, Suger, Curvy, Toes and Fancy
  • Goldfish: Aaayyyy and Aaadddd (My infant son named them!)

If you had to choose, would you say you are a cat person or a dog person? Why?

I love both, but I’m more of a dog person. I like that they can go on outings, walks and rides. I also enjoy the socializing, training and unconditional love they give (not that cats don’t!). They teach humans so much if we just pay attention.

How did you get your pets? Why did you choose those particular breeds?

All my dogs and cats were rescued in some form or another—they were stray, chained and starved, saved from a garbage bin, born in our garage or inherited.

Vinny was in a tiny container with tons of baby turtles in the back of a hot truck. I spent my only $10 to buy and save him in Venice Beach as a teenager.

Lizzy and Coal were inherited when my dad had a stroke. My dad purchased Misty from a green rider who did not train or treat her well.

My husband and I hand-raised our chickens from the time they were two days old. We researched chickens that were hardy, friendly and good for laying.

All my pets found me—I didn’t get to “pick the breeds,” but I love just what they are!

Pit bulls and poodles are my two favorite breeds.

What is special about your pets?

What isn’t special about each one of them? Everything is special! They are all unique and wonderful and they each have taught me something.

What is the cutest thing about your pets, physically?

I love how they all get along so well and love their humans to bits. Dottie was raised with the dogs since she was a tiny kitten, so she stays with them all day, even curling up to nap in the shady dog beds outside with them! That is pretty cute to see.

What do you let your pets get away with that you probably shouldn't?

Blue is allowed on the couch and in the house more during the day than the other dogs (she is the first dog in this pack and the oldest!). We expect everyone to behave properly for the most part, but they do give us doggie kisses and sneak snacks from Wyatt, our 17-month-old son.

What is your favorite memory or story about your pets?

I have too many to choose from! Here are just a few:

Sally Jo was very dog aggressive when we found her. I trained her and was extremely strict for two straight months and when she was finally let free with Blue and the other dogs, that was amazing and rewarding.

So many people told me that Misty would never be a good horse, but after two years of rehabbing, training and gaining her trust, she was finally ready to go on our first trail ride. It brings tears to me now!

Blue layed down with my old pit bull, Hannibal, while Dr. Shotwell put him to sleep in our yard in the shade. Once he passed, she licked the cottage cheese from his lips, jumped up and looked at the sky! It gave my husband, myself and Dr. Shotwell the chills!

What do your pets bring to the dynamic of your family?

Fun, calmness, excitement, love, tenderness, forgiveness, worry, sadness, happiness, security, nourishment, smiles…and they always keep us busy! They complete our family.