At The Drake Center, it’s no surprise our families are a bit…furry. From dogs and cats to horses, chickens and an emu, we’d like you to meet the loves of our lives—our pets. 

Proud pet parent: Kim, Registered Veterinary Technician

Josie, DSH

  • Darnel, goldfish
  • Julio, goldfish

If you had to choose, would you say you are a cat person or a dog person? Why?

I developed into a cat person because of apartment living. I figured a cat would better fit my living situation.

How did you get your pets? Why did you choose those particular breeds?

I adopted Josie from a family who needed to find her a home. The family thought Josie seemed stressed and unhappy because she could not get used to their small children. Her previous parents thought it best that Josie live in a home that was a little quieter and had no other cats or dogs. By the way, Josie is a shy and timid cat.

As for the fish, I haven’t had an aquarium since I was a child. I though starting an aquarium with goldfish was a good idea for someone who was basically a novice.

What is special about your pets?

I think what is special about Josie is that she is always glad to see me when I walk through the door at night. She makes me smile every time she runs to the door to greet me.

My fish are always happy to see me, too. I believe, however, their happiness is strictly about food. If they could talk, they would be saying, “Food? Food? Time to eat, right? Food?”

What is the cutest thing about your pets, physically?

With Josie, it’s got to be the fact that she has polydactyly (extra toes).

The cutest thing about the fish is that they seem to swim around without a care in the world. Darnel likes to splash around in the tank.

What do you let your pets get away with that you probably shouldn't?

Sometimes I use my fingers as a cat toy for Josie. Listen, folks, don’t let kitty use your fingers to swat at or bite. The outcome is not good. Ouch!

What is your favorite memory or story about your pets?

My favorite story about my cat is the time I tried to feed her wet food. Apparently, she considered the food a dangerous adversary. She had to sneak up to it and reach out as far as she could with her paw to tap it a few times. What self-respecting cat wouldn’t do that, right? Anyway, she never did eat the wet food and to this day, she refuses wet food.

For the record, just about anything can startle my cat. It could even be things she has seen several times before, like my shower curtain, her drinking fountain or even my purse. She definitely has her quirks, but I love her all the same.

What do your pets bring to the dynamic of your family?

All of these little beings provide me with comic and stress relief, unconditional love and a sense of responsibility.