Conventional medicine focuses the treatment of cancer on killing or removing cancerous cells. Alternative medicine approaches cancer as a natural extension of more benign processes that have been going on for years and focuses attention on correcting the factors generating the tumor. These two approaches are complementary to each other and neither should be neglected. In many instances, integrative approaches can improve quality of life by helping control pain and providing adequate nutrition even if the cancer cannot be “cured.”

So, what are some mechanisms, from a traditional Eastern view, that can predispose pets to tumors later on in life?

There are three main metaphoric causes of cancer:

  • The most common cause in dogs is blood deficiency and stasis. The flow of blood through the body can be likened to the flow of water in a river. It flows smoothly as long as there is enough blood and there are no obstructions in the way. If there is a drought and the river becomes low, the water can pool and stagnate. Also, the river requires a downward slope to keep the water moving. This can be equated to Qi moving the blood along. If Qi is depleted, the blood will pool and stagnate.
  • The next cause is damp heat accumulation by the digestive tract in response to a dampening diet, or from a Western perspective, a carbohydrate-rich diet. Damp heat can be equated to inflammation and we know that chronic inflammation can predispose pets to tumor formation. Damp heat is the most common cause of tumors in cats; therefore, diets high in protein and low in carbohydrates are recommended for most cats.
  • Finally, obstructions in the flow of Qi through the middle part of the body by phlegm can result in tumor formation. Phlegm is basically dampness that has congealed and become more solid. This is called “Triple Burner Obstruction.” This causes the classical picture of too much energy in the upper half of the body and not enough in the lower half. Animals may be weak in the hind from lack of Qi, yet excitable and anxious. Alternatively, they may have a chronic cough or vomiting, which are often signs of energy moving up instead of descending to the lower half of the body.

Although these terms do not sound familiar to most of us, when looked at from a metaphorical perspective, they equate closely with what Western medicine tells us about the causes of cancer. We know both genetic and environmental factors play a big role in tumor formation. It would make sense that approaching cancer from as many directions as possible would give us our best chance of a positive outcome.  This includes conventional treatments such as surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy as well as alternative approaches such as nutrition, acupuncture and herbology.