Some of us have the good fortune of being amazingly handsome. Let’s face it—I am a regal beast. If you look up "amazing" and "handsome" on Wikipedia, you will find my picture.

I get attention just being present. However, sometimes the staff here at The Drake Center get busy and I have to find ways of getting attention.

The stare down is effective for astute people. The loud yowl is effective for the less astute person. Next on my list, especially for the front staff, is the "walk on your keyboard" routine. Finally, I reserve the “knock stuff on the floor” bit for the least astute person. When I perform this task, I simply go to a desk and begin to knock things over. Pens and papers are the easiest to knock over, but I will go for the larger items if I do not get attention promptly. 

Thankfully, I rarely have to ask for attention because as you may have noticed from my picture...I am breathtakingly handsome.