In Dr. Michele Drake's weekly update on the happenings of The Drake Center during COVID-19, she provides some information about puppy care and puppy socialization, preventative care for pets, and more. You can watch Dr. Heather Kovac's Puppy Socialization video that was mentioned by clicking on the link here.

Featured Quote:

We've gotten a lot of new puppies coming in the practice and we can't be sending you guys off to puppy classes right now for obvious reasons. But puppy socialization and public puppy training is so critical, especially between the eight week and 16 week period, but anytime after that it's still very important.

Video Transcript:

Hi, everybody. It's Dr. Michele Drake at the Drake Center and here just to catch up with you at the end of the week. It's been another crazy, crazy week here, but we're here for you for all your veterinary needs seven days a week. So give us a call if you have any concerns or questions or anything that needs addressing. This is Tobin that's helping me today and hopefully she's going to be okay with hanging out with us a little bit while we do this. Just want to talk a little bit about puppies. We've gotten a lot of new puppies coming in the practice and we can't be sending you guys off to puppy classes right now for obvious reasons. But puppy socialization and public puppy training is so critical, especially between the eight week and 16 week period, but anytime after that it's still very important. So we wanted to direct you guys to a video that Dr. Boehme and Dr. Kovak worked on together to help you with training and socializing your puppy during this time when we can't really send you off to group puppy classes.

In addition, we are doing a little bit of a puppy sort of socialization visit training here at the Drake Center on a limited basis because we are still really trying to keep things to a limited basis at this point. But we find that this training and socializing is so, so, so important that we consider it kind of an essential need because if these dogs don't get the training and socializing that they need during this critical period that they will have difficulties later on. So we really want to make sure that you do pay attention, address it, and watch the video and let us know if we can be of help in that area. So again, we're here seven days a week. We're still doing everything that needs to be done to take care of all your pets.

I'm sure you guys are bonding lots with your dogs and cats since you're spending a lot more time at home, which is great. You may be finding things that are coming up as you spend more time with them that you're concerned about. So let us know what those needs may be. Keep up on your preventative health care because it's still important. Fleas and ticks, always stay up on those things and vaccinations and such. Those things are important things to keep up on and just let us know if we can be of help for you.

Again, we had a really great staff appreciation week for our staff. Thanks to all of you guys that just added extra comments and appreciation for how hard everyone has worked. It's been a stressful time to be even a citizen in the United States, but also to throw in working at the same time and completely shifting how we do our visits and such. Thanks to clients for your patients waiting in the car, being available so we can get on the phone with you right away and discuss your pet's needs and move forward with the treatment plans. So thanks to everybody for being so gracious during this time.