The beginning of 2017 marked the kick off of our third fundraising campaign for the local non profit, Good Dog! Autism Companions. This time around, we selected a local military family, the Louden’s. Whose dream is to have a service dog for their son, August. They were able to raise half of cost involved to receive a dog, and we committed to raising the other half of the funds, $13,000. This means that the non profit would be able to re-allocate their resources to another family who is also waiting for their service dog.
2017 fundraising year in review:
You purchased Drake Center hats and mugs…

Drank juice…

Painted and sipped…

Drank local microbrew and bought raffle tickets...

Donated on Giving Tuesday...
Had your pet take photos with Santa…

And purchased 2018 calendars.
With our deepest gratitude, we want to thank you for your generosity throughout the year. Currently we have raised over $8,000 of our $13,000 goal. It’s not too late to make an end of the year tax deductible donation for a great cause!. Every dollar donated gets us one step closer to making a young boys dream a reality. Check out our fundraising page here.

To learn more about the Louden family, go here.