Thinking about getting a new furry family member over the holidays? Whether you adopt a puppy, kitten, or an older pet, taking them to see a veterinarian should always be the first thing you do once you bring the pet home. Dr. Michele Drake talks about the importance of the first exam for a new pet and some tips for adding a new pet to your family.

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I just want to remind you all to when you do get a puppy or a kitten, it's really important to come in here right away and have them examined. The reason for that is we want to make sure if there's anything that's particularly alarming that we can inform you of it right away before you guys get super attached, and just make sure that the best thing has done for the dog or the cat.


Video Transcript:

Hey everybody, it's Dr. Michele Drake here at the Drake Center. I just wanted to talk a little bit about getting pets for Christmas. I'm sure some of you were thinking, "Hey, we've got to come up with any way of just brightening our holidays during this COVID time." I just want to remind you all to when you do get a puppy or a kitten, it's really important to come in here right away and have them examined. The reason for that is we want to make sure if there's anything that's particularly alarming that we can inform you of it right away before you guys get super attached, and just make sure that the best thing has done for the dog or the cat. So come in here right away.

Also parasites can be zoonotic, meaning they can be transmitted to people. So we want to take care of those things that right away also. So when you come in, bring a fecal sample with you please, whether it's a dog or a cat, so we can make sure that there is no parasites and get your pet started on the best preventative care for their health and for yours also.

And also just a little reminder, we're really not fans of you guys getting dogs or cats from Craigslist. We've seen a lot of really ill pets come in that looks sort of healthy in the beginning, and within two or three days, they're really ill. And then you guys are stuck with a really difficult situation. So please avoid Craigslist for getting pets. There's lots of ways to do it, but that's not one that we recommend. And just most importantly, when you do get a pet come in here right away. So we can have a look and make sure that they are healthy.

Some of the dogs who've been seen from Craigslist, the puppies are way younger than they should be weaned from their moms. We've seen four week old puppies. The best time to get a puppy is at eight weeks, and kittens about the same time also. That way they've been with their litter mates and their mom long enough to have correct behavioral things, but also for their immune systems. It's really important that they stay with their family, with their mom and their siblings until they're about seven or eight weeks old. So we don't want puppies going home sooner than that.

So anyway, if you have any questions, give us call, otherwise, first thing, just get in here right away so we can make sure that preventative care and your safety and your pet safety is taken care of.